
RIDE 2 Gamescom Hands-on - More Bikes, More Tracks, More Everything

The original RIDE was released back in March last year and offered a great deal of promise for fans of motorbikes and something Milestone thought would be a cracking move for their first original IP. Met with a mixed reception, RIDE ii aims to improve on everything and take the game to new heights. At Gamescom I was able to attend a presentation and then have a hands-on session with the game while talking to the developers.

What may make people accept discover is the huge increase in content featured in RIDE 2. Everything from the number of tracks, bikes, customization options and even game modes has been increased exponentially. I was immune to take a picture (at a bad angle) of a table showing exactly how much content the game has compared to the previous 1.

Information technology should be commencement noted that the increase of tracks from 31 to 58 includes a track being raced in reverse or possibly featuring merely a few changes. This doesn't, withal, discount from the fact that the number of locations has still actually doubled. An increment from fifteen to thirty tracks, including classics such as the Nurburgring, Ulster M Prix and Northwest 200. Besides included is an airstrip as well every bit American Highway for drag races.

Of course introducing drag races isn't the only new game style. What seems to be the nigh impressive comes from the online mode, which has at present got a team vs squad fashion. You build your own team, with yourself and two friends, or two AI teammates, and compete with ix other teams in a leaderboard in a number of races. There are new modes that offer specific challenges, as well as new weekly challenges to keep people coming dorsum for more than.

Where the largest increase comes is in the bikes themselves. With six new manufacturers lending their bikes to the game. An increase of effectually one hundred bikes, and the level of customization that comes along with that, has made this something even more special to bike enthusiasts out there. With over 1200 pieces to customize your bikes, and over 800 pieces for customizing your rider - even his or her riding position.

What immediately jumped out at me when playing the game is how far they've pushed their engine for the sequel. The kickoff RIDE did endeavour to be equally realistic every bit it could, particularly when setting the game to the most realistic setting you could, but information technology had its problems. RIDE 2 has attempted to gainsay this in multiple means.

One of the first things a role player of the get-go will detect when picking this up is that information technology has improved aesthetically in all areas. The backdrops, tracks and assets take all been improved. This is especially the case in all things wheel related, with every aspect showing an increase in detail. It's particularly noticeable when yous enter a costless photographic camera mode and zoom in, letting you see each component of the bike and even the grip of your rider'south boots. Also improved for the bikes is the sound, and I tin't stress enough that where bikes in the offset game just felt likewise artificial, here you have an authentic sound that I was told, when asked, was gained from recording dissimilar bikes.

It certainly felt as I was playing that RIDE has improved even physically over the former. Information technology felt more than responsive, accurate and realistic. I still came off of the cycle a few times, but I've also done that in real life. The matter is that I felt similar the game was punishing my recklessness more than than it being the bike but deciding to practice its own thing which is something of an issue I had with the offset RIDE.

At present this isn't to say information technology'due south ideal. The version I played was on the PS4 and I did encounter a few issues. Minor visual aspects like the crowd, some trees and buildings look apartment which is more noticeable due to the improvements elsewhere. I did also encounter a problems that had a bike racing against me while floating a few inches off of the ground.

Hopefully there's time for things like the bug to exist fixed as issues like floating bikes, disappearing riders and falling through the rails are issues that Milestone have had in previous releases. This is a item concern when you realize that there are already 16 pieces of DLC planned. They weren't able to tell me any details on the upcoming DLC.

I asked a few questions while playing the game and was told that 7th of October release is for retail release in the European market and digital releases worldwide. The retail release in North America is planned afterward with Japan coming two months later, with an agreement in the works for other parts of Asia. As of right now the game does support 4K, but not Ultrawide monitors, though that support is to be patched in after the release.

RIDE 2 is certainly looking better than its predecessor. Hopefully Milestone have improved in the ways and with their indication that a day one patch is in the works, and likewise that they have been focusing a lot on issues and wishes from players of the first game, that this is a sign of good things to come.


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