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Windows 8 - Sad beta fish

I tried, folks, really I did. Subsequently unleashing my bluster last calendar week about the Windows 8 Consumer Preview, I decided I would brave it for every bit long as I was mentally and physically capable. Subsequently all, this is a new operating organization from Microsoft — I have as much a responsibility to myself as I do to the tech community to know it, use information technology, and understand information technology.

So I endured the Technicolor-eyesore Metro Start Screen, with all those oversize buttons that take seconds to launch programs that e'er started instantaneously in Windows 7. I pushed aside the psychological torture of opening program after programme and never endmost one, despite knowing I would never come up back to it. I gritted my teeth through countless single-window screens, constant system slowdowns, and navigational awkwardness, e'er hoping that sticking with the hurting would somehow make me a better person.

But subsequently several additional days of seeing upgrades from Windows 7 neglect on three separate computers, afterward several boosted days of seeing fifty-fifty touchscreen all-in-ones and tablets actually become less usable every bit a result of being Windows 8ified, and afterwards several additional days of being treated like a preschooler suffering from ADHD for wanting to perform the simplest tasks, I reached my snapping betoken.

Start8Equally I said final time, I'one thousand an adult and I want my reckoner to care for me like one. I have neither the time nor the inclination to trudge through multiple circles of interface hell just to do basic things that then fail to work equally they always have before. And though I'm more than willing to pursue the workarounds people are discovering for bypassing Metro, I fail to see why I — or anyone — should accept to. Microsoft, if you want to take over the tablet marketplace, terrific. Merely can't you find a fashion to practice so that respects the hundreds of millions of customers who helped put you where you are?

Right here and now I'll brand this pledge: As new major editions of Windows viii are released along the route to the terminal RTM version, I will keep trying them. I'chiliad going to give Microsoft every opportunity to turn effectually this fiasco, to convince me that this is the operating system I both need and want to use. And if (when?) my heed changes virtually, I will permit you all know. Microsoft has released a lot of practiced products over the last few decades, many of which have had pregnant positive impacts on my life, so the company has at to the lowest degree earned that.

For the time being, all the same, I accept too much cocky-respect and too many demands on my fourth dimension to devote to what is currently, at its best, nonsense. So a repartition, a format, and 20 minutes or then of disc accessing later, I had wiped out Windows eight and replaced it with a sparkling copy of Windows vii. Let me tell y'all, that whole process was far and away the most invigorating and intensely satisfying feel I had all week.

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