
How To Read Windows Task Manager Performance Tab

Processes tab in Windows 10's Task Manager

The Windows Chore Manager is a powerful tool packed with useful data, from your organization'due south overall resources usage to detailed statistics about each procedure. This guide explains every feature and technical term in the Task Director.

This commodity focuses on Windows 10's Chore Director, although much of this likewise applies to Windows 7. Microsoft has dramatically improved the Task Manager since the release of Windows 7.

How to Launch the Task Manager

Option to launch Task Manager from Windows 10's taskbar

Windows offers many ways to launch the Task Director. Press Ctrl+Shift+Esc to open the Task Manager with a keyboard shortcut or right-click the Windows taskbar and select "Task Director."

You can also press Ctrl+Alt+Delete and so click "Task Manager" on the screen that appears or notice the Task Manager shortcut in your First carte.

The Elementary View

Task Manager's simplified application management view

The first time you launch the Chore Manager, y'all'll meet a small, simple window. This window lists the visible applications running on your desktop, excluding background applications. You can select an application here and click "Cease Chore" to close it. This is useful if an application isn't responding—in other words, if it's frozen—and yous can't close it the usual mode.

You tin also correct-click an application in this window to access more options:

  • Switch To: Switch to the application's window, bringing it to the front of your desktop and putting it in focus. This is useful if y'all're not sure which window is associated with which application.
  • End Task: End the process. This works the same as the "End Job" button.
  • Run New Task: Open the Create New Task window, where you lot can specify a plan, binder, document, or website address and Windows will open up it.
  • Always On Top: Brand the Task Manager window itself "e'er on acme" of other windows on your desktop, letting you encounter information technology at all times.
  • Open up File Location: Open a File Explorer window showing the location of the program'south .exe file.
  • Search Online: Perform a Bing search for the programme's application name and file name. This volition assist you see exactly what the program is and what information technology does.
  • Properties: Open up the Properties window for the program's .exe file. Here you can tweak compatibility options and see the program's version number, for case.

While the Job Manager is open, you'll encounter a Task Manager icon in your notification surface area. This shows you how much CPU (central processing unit) resources are currently in use on your arrangement, and you can mouse over it to see memory, disk, and network usage. It's an easy manner to keep tabs on your computer's CPU usage.

To meet the organization tray icon without the Task Manager appearing on your taskbar, click Options > Hide When Minimized in the total Task Managing director interface and minimize the Task Director window.

The Task Managing director's Tabs Explained

Viewing app resource usage in the Windows Task Manager

To run across the Chore Manager's more advanced tools, click "More Details" at the bottom of the simple view window. You'll meet the full, tabbed interface appear. The Job Manager volition remember your preference and will open to the more advanced view in the future. If y'all want to get back to the simple view, click "Fewer Details."

With More than Details selected, the Job Managing director includes the post-obit tabs:

  • Processes: A list of running applications and groundwork processes on your organization forth with CPU, retentivity, disk, network, GPU, and other resources usage information.
  • Performance: Real-fourth dimension graphs showing full CPU, memory, disk, network, and GPU resource usage for your arrangement. You'll notice many other details hither, too, from your computer's IP address to the model names of your calculator'south CPU and GPU.
  • App History: Information most how much CPU and network resources apps have used for your electric current user account. This simply applies to new Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps—in other words, Store apps—and not traditional Windows desktop apps (Win32 applications.)
  • Startup: A list of your startup programs, which are the applications Windows automatically starts when you sign into your user account. You can disable startup programs from here, although you can likewise practice that from Settings > Apps > Startup.
  • Users: The user accounts currently signed into your PC, how much resources they're using, and what applications they're running.
  • Details: More detailed information about the processes running on your system. This is basically the traditional "Processes" tab from the Task Director on Windows 7.
  • Services: Management of system services. This is the same information y'all'll observe in services.msc, the Services management console.

Managing Processes

Apps and background processes in the Task Manager

The Processes tab shows you a comprehensive list of processes running on your system. If you sort it by proper name, the list is cleaved into iii categories. The Apps group shows the same listing of running applications you'd see in the "Fewer details" simplified view. The other two categories are background processes and Windows processes, and they bear witness processes that don't announced in the standard simplified Task Manager view.

For case, tools like Dropbox, your antivirus plan, groundwork update processes, and hardware utilities with notification expanse (system tray) icons announced in the background processes list. Windows processes include various processes that are office of the Windows operating organisation, although some of these announced under "Background processes" instead for some reason.

Option to restart Windows Explorer in the Task Manager

You lot can right-click a process to see actions you can perform. The options you'll see in the context menu are:

  • Expand: Some applications, like Google Chrome, accept multiple processes are grouped hither. Other applications have multiple windows that are office of a single procedure. You lot can select expand, double-click the procedure, or click the arrow to its left to encounter the unabridged group of processes individually. This option simply appears when y'all right-click a group.
  • Collapse: Collapse an expanded grouping.
  • End task: End the process. You tin can also click the "Stop Task" button below the list.
  • Restart: This option just appears when y'all correct-click Windows Explorer. Information technology lets you restart explorer.exe instead of but catastrophe the task. In older versions of Windows, you had to end the Explorer.exe job and then launch it manually to set up problems with the Windows desktop, taskbar, or Outset menu. At present, you lot tin can just utilise this Restart pick.
  • Resource values: Lets you cull whether you want to run into the percent or precise values for retentivity, deejay, and network. In other words, you lot can choose whether you want to encounter the precise amount of memory in MB or the percentage of your system'southward memory applications are using.
  • Create dump file: This is a debugging tool for programmers. It captures a snapshot of the plan'south memory and saves it to disk.
  • Become to details: Go to the procedure on the Details tab so y'all can encounter more detailed technical data.
  • Open file location: Open up File Explorer with the process's .exe file selected.
  • Search online: Search for the proper name of the process on Bing.
  • Properties: View the Backdrop window of the .exe file associated with the process.

You should not stop tasks unless you know what the task does. Many of these tasks are background processes important to Windows itself. They ofttimes have confusing names, and you may need to perform a web search to find out what they practise. We accept a whole serial explaining what diverse processes do, from conhost.exe to wsappx.

Available columns on the Task Manager's Processes tab

This tab also shows you detailed data about each process and their combined resources usage. Y'all tin right-click the headings at the top of the list and choose the columns you want to run into. The values in each cavalcade are color-coded, and a darker orange (or red) color indicates greater resource usage.

Yous tin click a cavalcade to sort past it—for case, click the CPU column to see running processes sorted by CPU usage with the biggest CPU hogs at the top. The top of the column also shows the total resources usage of all the processes on your organization. Drag and drop columns to reorder them. The available columns are:

  • Blazon: The category of the process, which is App, Background process, or Windows process.
  • Status: If a program appears to exist frozen, "Not Responding" will announced here. Programs sometimes begin responding after a bit of time and sometimes stay frozen. If Windows has suspended a programme to salve power, a green foliage will appear in this cavalcade. Modernistic UWP apps can append to save power, and Windows can also suspend traditional desktop apps.
  • Publisher: The proper noun of the plan'south publisher. For instance, Chrome displays "Google Inc." and Microsoft Give-and-take displays "Microsoft Corporation."
  • PID: The process identifier number Windows has associated with the process. The procedure ID may be used by certain functions or system utilities. Windows assigns a unique process ID each time information technology starts a programme, and the procedure ID is a mode of distinguishing between several running processes if multiple instances of the same programme are running.
  • Process Proper noun: The file name of the process. For instance, File Explorer is explorer.exe, Microsoft Word is WINWORD.EXE, and the Job Manager itself is Taskmgr.exe.
  • Command Line: The total command line used to launch the process. This shows you the total path to the process'south .exe file (for example, "C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE") every bit well as whatever command-line options used to launch the programme.
  • CPU: The CPU usage of the procedure, displayed as a percentage of your total available CPU resources.
  • Memory: The corporeality of your organization'southward physical working memory the process is currently using, displayed in MB or GB.
  • Deejay: The disk activity a process is generating, displayed as MB/due south. If a process isn't reading from or writing to deejay at the moment, information technology will display 0 MB/south.
  • Network: The network usage of a process on the electric current principal network, displayed in Mbps.
  • GPU: The GPU (graphics processing unit) resources used by a process, displayed every bit a percentage of the GPU's available resources.
  • GPU Engine: The GPU device and engine used by a procedure. If you accept multiple GPUs in your system, this volition show you which GPU a process is using. Come across the Performance tab to see which number ("GPU 0" or "GPU one" is associated with which physical GPU.
  • Power Usage: The estimated power usage of a procedure, taking into account its current CPU, disk, and GPU activity. For example, information technology might say "Very low" if a process isn't using many resources or "Very loftier" if a process is using a lot of resource. If information technology'southward loftier, that means it's using more electricity and shortening your battery life if yous have a laptop.
  • Ability Usage Trend: The estimated impact on power usage over fourth dimension. The Power Usage column but shows the current power usage, merely this column tracks power usage over fourth dimension. For example, if a program occasionally uses a lot of ability only isn't using much right now, it may say "Very low" in the power usage cavalcade and "Loftier" or "Moderate" in the Power Usage Trend column.

When you right-click the headings, y'all'll too run across a "Resource Values" menu. This is the same option that appears when you correct-click an individual procedure. Whether or non you access this option through right-clicking an individual process, it will e'er change how all processes in the list appear.

Task Manager Bill of fare Options

The View menu in the Task Manager

There are also a few useful options in the Chore Managing director's carte bar:

  • File > Run New Task: Launch a program, folder, document, or network resource by providing its address. You lot tin can also check "Create this chore with authoritative privileges" to launch the program as Ambassador.
  • Options > Always on Top: The Task Manager window will ever be on tiptop of other windows while this option is enabled.
  • Options > Minimize on Use: The Job Manager will be minimized whenever you right-click a process and select "Switch To." Despite the odd name, that's all this option does.
  • Options > Hide When Minimized: The Task Manager will stay running in the notification area (system tray) when you click the minimize button if you enable this selection.
  • View > Refresh Now: Immediately refresh the data displayed in the Chore Director.
  • View > Update Speed: Choose how frequently the data displayed in the Task Manager is updated: High, Medium, Low, or Paused. With Paused selected, the information isn't updated until y'all select a higher frequency or click "Refresh Now."
  • View > Group By Type: With this option enabled, processes on the Processes tab are grouped into three categories: Apps, Background Processes, and Windows Processes. With this option disabled, they're shown mixed in the list.
  • View > Expand All: Expand all the process groups in the list. For example, Google Chrome uses multiple processes, and they're shown combined into a "Google Chrome" group. Y'all can aggrandize private process groups by clicking the arrow to the left of their name, too.
  • View > Collapse All: Collapse all the process groups in the list. For example, all Google Chrome processes volition just be shown under the Google Chrome category.

Viewing Performance Information

CPU usage statistics on the Task Manager's Performance tab

The Performance tab shows real-time graphs displaying the usage of organisation resources like CPU, memory, disk, network, and GPU. If you lot have multiple disks, network devices, or GPUs, you can see them all separately.

You lot'll encounter modest graphs in the left pane, and you can click an pick to see a larger graph in the right pane. The graph shows resource usage over the final threescore seconds.

In improver to resource information, the Operation page shows data well-nigh your organization's hardware. Here are just some things the unlike panes evidence in improver to resource usage:

  • CPU: The name and model number of your CPU, its speed, the number of cores information technology has, and whether hardware virtualization features are enabled and available. It also shows your system'due south "uptime," which is how long your system has been running since it final booted up.
  • Memory: How much RAM yous have, its speed, and how many of the RAM slots on your motherboard are used. You lot can also see how much of your memory is currently filled with cached data. Windows calls this "standby." This data volition exist ready and waiting if your arrangement needs information technology, but Windows will automatically dump the cached data and complimentary up space if it needs more memory for some other job.
  • Disk: The name and model number of your disk bulldoze, its size, and its current read and write speeds.
  • Wi-Fi or Ethernet: Windows shows a network adapter's proper name and its IP addresses (both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses) hither. For Wi-Fi connections, yous can also see the Wi-Fi standard in utilise on the current connection—for example, 802.11ac.
  • GPU: The GPU pane shows separate graphs for different types of activity—for case, 3D vs. video encoding or decoding. The GPU has its own built-in memory, and then it likewise shows GPU retentiveness usage. You can also run into the name and model number of your GPU hither and the graphics driver version it's using. You tin monitor GPU usage correct from the Task Manager without any 3rd-political party software.

Minimal floating CPU usage overlay in the Task Manager

You tin likewise turn this into a smaller window if y'all'd like to see it on screen at all times. Only double-click anywhere in the empty white infinite in the right pane, and you'll become a floating, always-on-top window with that graph. Yous can also right-click the graph and select "Graph Summary View" to enable this style.

Windows 10's Resource Monitor showing CPU usage of processes

The "Open up Resource Monitor" button at the bottom of the window opens the Resource Monitor tool, which provides more detailed information about GPU, memory, disk, and network usage by individual running processes.

Consulting App History

The App History tab in Windows 10's Task Manager

The App History tab only applies to Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps. Information technology doesn't evidence information about traditional Windows desktop apps, so most people won't find it also useful.

At the top of the window, you'll see the date Windows started collecting resource usage data. The list shows UWP applications and the corporeality of CPU fourth dimension and network activity the awarding has generated since that date. You tin can right-click the headings here to enable a few more options for more insight well-nigh network activity:

  • CPU Time: The amount of CPU time the program has used within this time frame.
  • Network: The total amount of data transferred over the network by the program inside this time frame.
  • Metered Network: The corporeality of data transferred over metered networks. You can prepare a network as metered to save data on it. This pick is intended for networks you have limited data on, similar a mobile network to which you lot're tethering.
  • Tile Updates: The amount of data the program has downloaded to display updated live tiles on Windows ten's Showtime carte du jour.
  • Not-metered Network: The amount of data transferred over not-metered networks.
  • Downloads: The corporeality of data downloaded by the program on all networks.
  • Uploads: The amount of data uploaded by the plan on all networks.

Controlling Startup Applications

The Task Manager's Startup manager tab

The Startup tab is Windows 10's built-in startup programs manager. Information technology lists all the applications that Windows automatically starts for your current user business relationship. For case, programs in your Startup folder and programs ready to start in the Windows registry both appear hither.

To disable a startup program, right-click it and select "Disable" or select it and click the "Disable" button. To re-enable information technology, click the "Enable" option that appears here instead. You can also use the Settings > Apps > Startup interface to manage startup programs.

At the pinnacle correct corner of the window, you volition run across a "Last BIOS time" on some systems. This shows how long your BIOS (or UEFI firmware) took to initialize your hardware when you terminal booted your PC. This will non announced on all systems. You won't run into it if your PC's BIOS doesn't report this fourth dimension to Windows.

As usual, you can right-click the headings and enable additional columns. The columns are:

  • Name: The name of the plan.
  • Publisher: The name of the programme's publisher.
  • Status: "Enabled" appears here if the program automatically starts when y'all sign in. "Disabled" appears here if you've disabled the startup task.
  • Startup Bear upon: An estimate of how much CPU and disk resources the plan uses when it starts. Windows measures and tracks this in the background. A lightweight plan volition show "Depression," and a heavy program volition show "High." Disabled programs show "None." You tin can speed up your kick process more than by disabling programs with a "Loftier" startup impact than by disabling ones with a "Low" impact.
  • Startup Type: This shows whether the program is starting considering of a registry entry ("Registry") or because it's in your startup folder ("Binder.")
  • Disk I/O at Startup: The disk activity the programme performs at startup, in MB. Windows measures and records this each kick.
  • CPU at Startup: The amount of CPU time a program uses at startup, in ms. Windows measures and records this at boot.
  • Running Now: The give-and-take "Running" appears here if a startup program is currently running. If this column appears entry for a plan, the program has shut itself downward, or you've closed it yourself.
  • Disabled Fourth dimension: For startup programs you've disabled, the date and fourth dimension you lot disabled a program appears here
  • Control Line: This shows the total command line the startup programme launches with, including whatever command line options.

Checking on Users

Multiple users on the Task Manager's Users tab

The Users tab displays a listing of signed in users and their running processes. If you're the only person signed into your Windows PC, y'all'll see just your user account here. If other people have signed in and and then locked their sessions without signing out, you'll also see those—locked sessions announced as "Disconnected." This also shows you the CPU, retentivity, deejay, network, and other arrangement resource used by processes running under each Windows user account.

You tin disconnect a user account past correct-clicking information technology and selecting "Disconnect" or forcefulness it to sign off past right-clicking it and selecting "Sign Off." The Disconnect option terminates the desktop connection, but the programs continue to run, and the user can sign dorsum in—like locking a desktop session. The Sign Off option terminates all processes—like signing out of Windows.

You can also manage another user account'southward processes from here if y'all'd like to end a task that belongs to another running user account.

If y'all right-click the headings, the available columns are:

  • ID: Each signed in user business relationship has its ain session ID number. Session "0" is reserved for system services, while other applications may create their own user accounts. Yous unremarkably won't need to know this number, and then it'south hidden by default.
  • Session: The type of session this is. For example, information technology will say "Console" if it'due south being accessed on your local system. This is primarily useful for server systems running remote desktops.
  • Client Name: The name of the remote customer organization accessing the session, if it'southward being accessed remotely.
  • Condition: The status of the session—for example, if a user'due south session is locked, the Status volition say "Disconnected."
  • CPU: Total CPU used by the user's processes.
  • Memory: Full memory used by the user'southward processes.
  • Disk: Full disk action associated with the user's processes.
  • Network: Total network activity from the user'south processes.

Managing Detailed Processes

Context menu options for a process on the Task Manager's Details tab

This is the nearly detailed Task Manager pane. It'due south like the Processes tab, simply information technology provides more information and shows processes from all user accounts on your system. If yous've used the Windows 7 Job Managing director, this will look familiar to y'all; information technology'south the same information the Processes tab in Windows 7 displays.

You can right-click processes here to access additional options:

  • End task: End the process. This is the same option establish on the normal Processes tab.
  • Terminate procedure tree: Cease the process, and all the processes created past the process.
  • Set priority: Set a priority for the process: Low, Below normal, Normal, Above normal, Loftier, and Realtime. Processes start at normal priority. Lower priority is ideal for background processes, and higher priority is platonic for desktop processes. However, Microsoft recommends against messing with Realtime priority.
  • Set affinity: Fix the processor affinity of a process—in other words, on which processer a process runs. Past default, processes run on all processors in your system. You can use this to limit a procedure to a particular processor. For example, this is sometimes helpful for sometime games and other programs that assume you but have a unmarried CPU. Even if you accept a single CPU in your reckoner, each core appears as a separate processor.
  • Analyze await chain: View what threads in the processes are waiting for. This shows you which processes and threads are waiting to employ a resources used by another procedure, and is a useful debugging tool for programmers to diagnose hangs.
  • UAC virtualization: Enable or disable User Account Control virtualization for a process. This feature fixes applications that require ambassador admission past virtualizing their access to system files, redirecting their file and registry access to other folders. It'due south primarily used past older programs—for instance, Windows XP-era programs—that weren't written for modern versions of Windows. This is a debugging option for developers, and you shouldn't need to change information technology.
  • Create dump file: Capture a snapshot of the program's retentivity and save it to disk.This is a useful debugging tool for programmers.
  • Open file location: Open a File Explorer window showing the process's executable file.
  • Search online: Perform a Bing search for the name of the procedure.
  • Properties: View the backdrop window of the process'southward .exe file.
  • Go to service(south): Show the services associated with the procedure on the Services tab. This is particularly useful for svchost.exe processes. The services will be highlighted.

Selecting columns for the Windows Task Manager's Details tab

If you right-click the headings and select "Show Columns," you'll see a much longer listing of information you can show here, including many options that aren't available on the Processes tab.

Here's what every possible column means:

  • Bundle Name: For Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps, this displays the name of the app bundle the procedure is from. For other apps, this column is empty. UWP apps are generally distributed via the Microsoft Shop.
  • PID: The unique procedure ID number associated with that procedure. This is associated with the process and not the program—for example, if you close and reopen a plan, the new program process volition have a new process ID number.
  • Condition: This shows whether the process is running or suspended to save power. Windows ten always "suspends" UWP apps yous aren't using to save system resources. You can also command whether Windows 10 suspends traditional desktop processes.
  • User proper noun: The proper name of the user account running the process. You will often see system user account names here, similar Organization and LOCAL SERVICE.
  • Session ID: The unique number associated with the user session running the process. This is the aforementioned number shown for a user on the Users tab.
  • Job object ID: The "job object in which the process is running." Task objects are a way to group processes so they can be managed as a group.
  • CPU: The percent of CPU resources the procedure is currently using across all CPUs. If nothing else is using CPU time, Windows will show the System Idle Procedure using it hither. In other words, if the System Idle Procedure is using ninety% of your CPU resource, that means other processes on your organisation are using a combined 10%, and information technology was idle 90% of the fourth dimension.
  • CPU time: The full processor fourth dimension (in seconds) used by a process since information technology began running. If a process closes and restarts, this volition exist reset. It's a good way to spot CPU-hungry processes that may be idling at the moment.
  • Bicycle: The percentage of the CPU cycles the process is currently using across all CPUs. It'south unclear exactly how this is different from the CPU column, every bit Microsoft's documentation doesn't explicate this. All the same, the numbers in this column are more often than not pretty similar to the CPU column, so it'south likely a like piece of information measured differently.
  • Working gear up (retentivity): The amount of physical memory the process is currently using.
  • Tiptop working gear up (memory): The maximum amount of physical memory the process has used.
  • Working gear up delta (memory): The alter in working set retentiveness from the last refresh of the data here.
  • Memory (active individual working gear up): The corporeality of concrete retentiveness used by the process that can't be used past other processes. Processes oft cache some data to make better employ of your RAM, but can quickly surrender that memory space if another procedure needs it. This column excludes data from suspended UWP processes.
  • Retention (private working fix): The amount of concrete memory used past the process that can't be used by other processes. This cavalcade does not exclude information from suspended UWP processes.
  • Retention (shared working set): The amount of physical memory used by the process that can exist used by other processes when necessary.
  • Commit size: The amount of virtual memory Windows is reserving for the process.
  • Paged pool: The amount of pageable kernel retentiveness the Windows kernel or drivers are allocating for this process. The operating organisation tin move this data to the paging file when necessary.
  • NP puddle: The amount of non-pageable kernel memory the Windows kernel or drivers are allocating for this procedure. The operating system can't move this information to the paging file.
  • Page faults: The number of page faults generated by the procedure since it began running. These occur when a program tries to access retention it doesn't currently have allocated to information technology, and are normal.
  • PF Delta: The alter in the number of page faults since the last refresh.
  • Base priority: The priority of the process—for case, this might exist Low, Normal, or High. Windows prioritizes scheduling processes with higher priorities. Arrangement background tasks that aren't urgent may have low priority compared to desktop program processes, for instance.
  • Handles: The current number of handles in the process's object table. Handles correspond system resources like files, registry keys, and threads.
  • Threads: The number of agile threads in a process. Each process runs 1 or more threads, and Windows allocates processor time to them. Threads in a process share memory.
  • User objects: The number of "window managing director objects" used by the process. This includes windows, menus, and cursors.
  • GDI objects: The number of Graphics Device Interface objects used by the process. These are used for drawing the user interface.
  • I/O reads: The number of read operations performed by the process since it started. I/O stands for Input/Output. This includes file, network, and device input/output.
  • I/O writes: The number of write operations performed by the process since it started.
  • I/O other: The number of not-read and non-write operations performed by the process since information technology started. For case, this includes control functions.
  • I/O read bytes: The total number of bytes read past the process since it started.
  • I/O write bytes: The full number of bytes written by the process since it started.
  • I/O other bytes: The total number of bytes used in non-read and not-write I/O operations since the process started.
  • Image path proper noun: The total path to the procedure's executable file.
  • Control line: The verbal control line the procedure was launched with, including the executable file and any command-line arguments.
  • Operating system context: The minimum operating system the program is compatible with if any information is included in the application'due south manifest file. For example, some applications might say "Windows Vista," some "Windows 7," and others "Windows 8.i". Most won't display anything in this column at all.
  • Platform: Whether this is a 32-flake or 64-flake process.
  • Elevated: Whether the process is running in elevated mode—in other words, with Administrator—permissions or not. Yous will run across either "No" or "Yes" for each process.
  • UAC virtualization: Whether User Account Command virtualization is enabled for the process. This virtualizes the program's access to the registry and file system, letting programs designed for older versions of Windows run without Ambassador access. Options include Enabled, Disabled, and Non Allowed—for processes that require system access.
  • Clarification: A human-readable description of the process from its .exe file. For example, chrome.exe has the description "Google Chrome," and explorer.exe has the description "Windows Explorer." This is the aforementioned proper noun displayed on the Name cavalcade in the normal Processes tab.
  • Data execution prevention: Whether Data Execution Prevention (DEP) is enabled or not for the procedure. This is a security feature that helps protect applications from attacks.
  • Enterprise context: On domains, this shows what enterprise context an app is running in. It could be in an enterprise domain context with access to enterprise resources, a "Personal" context without access to piece of work resources, or "Exempt" for Windows organization processes.
  • Ability throttling: Whether ability throttling is enabled or disabled for a process. Windows automatically throttles sure applications when you lot're not using them to salve battery ability. You can control which applications are throttled from the Settings app.
  • GPU: The percentage of GPU resources used by the procedure—or, more than specifically, the highest utilization across all GPU engines.
  • GPU engine: The GPU engine the procedure is using—or, more specifically, the GPU engine the process is using the most. See the GPU information on the Performance tab for a list of GPUs and their engines. For example, even if you only have ane GPU, it likely has dissimilar engines for 3D rendering, encoding video, and decoding video.
  • Dedicated GPU retentivity: The total amount of GPU memory the process is using across all GPUs. GPUs have their own defended video retentiveness that's built-in on discrete GPUs and a reserved portion of normal system retentiveness on onboard GPUs.
  • Shared GPU memory: The total amount of system memory shared with the GPU the process is using. This refers to data stored in your system'south normal RAM that's shared with the GPU, not data stored in your GPU's dedicated, built-in memory.

Working With Services

The Services tab in the Task Manager

The Services tab shows a list of the organisation services on your Windows arrangement. These are groundwork tasks that Windows runs, even when no user account is signed in. They're controlled by the Windows operating system. Depending on the service, it may be automatically started at boot or simply when necessary.

Many services are role of Windows 10 itself. For instance, the Windows Update service downloads updates and the Windows Sound service is responsible for audio. Other services are installed by third-party programs. For instance, NVIDIA installs several services as part of its graphics drivers.

Y'all shouldn't mess with these services unless yous know what you're doing. Simply, if you right-click them, you'll run into options to Kickoff, Stop, or Restart the service. You can as well select Search Online to perform a Bing search for information about the service online or "Go to Details" to bear witness the process associated with a running service on the Details tab. Many services volition have a "svchost.exe" process associated with them.

The Service pane's columns are:

  • Proper name: A brusk proper name associated with the service
  • PID: The procedure identifier number of the process associated with the service.
  • Description: A longer name that provides more than information almost what the service does.
  • Status: Whether the service is "Stopped" or "Running."
  • Group: The group the service is in, if applicable. Windows loads one service group at a time at startup. A service group is a drove of similar services that are loaded as a group.

Windows 10's Services management tool

For more than information about these services, click the "Open Services" link at the bottom of the window. This Task Manager pane is only a less powerful services assistants tool, anyway.

Process Explorer: A More Powerful Task Manager

Process Explorer, Microsoft's powerful and free Task Manager alternative

If the born Windows Task Director isn't powerful enough for y'all, we recommend Process Explorer. This is a gratuitous plan from Microsoft; it's part of the SysInternals suite of useful system tools.

Process Explorer is packed with features and information not included in the Chore Manager. You can view which program has a particular file open up and unlock the file, for instance. The default view too makes information technology like shooting fish in a barrel to see which processes have opened which other processes. Check out our in-depth, multi-part guide to using Process Explorer to learn more than.

RELATED: Agreement Process Explorer


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